Home / Entertainment / Piers Morgan brands Johnny Depp, Amber Heard feud ‘supreme narcissist’

Piers Morgan brands Johnny Depp, Amber Heard feud ‘supreme narcissist’

Piers Morgan is taking a swipe Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in a brutal column.

Writing for The New York Post, the former GMB presented mocks the couple for their tonedeaf lawsuit as Ukraine defends itself in a war.

“So many things to be genuinely concerned about in our turbulent world”, including the war in Ukraine and inflation.

He went on: “I can honestly say that the number of f***s I give about this shamelessly deluded and self-obsessed pair of whiny wastrels could be written on the back of Mycoplasma genitalium, the planet’s smallest living organism and, appropriately, a parasitic bacterium that lives in our waste disposal organs.”

About the case, Piers added: “My main takeaway from that repellent orgy of relentlessly revolting mudslinging is that they’re mutually dreadful and should be avoided by future romantic suitors like a gazelle avoids a pride of ravenous lion.”

“Depp and Heard hate each other with a passion that makes Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt look like an ad for loving harmony. At the heart of this hatred lies one indisputable fact: They’re both supreme narcissists. Literally.”

He went on to accuse the pair of “both playing the victim at a time when there are millions of real victims suffering from war, a killer virus, and crippling rises in the cost of living.”

Finishing the column, he wrote: “I can’t think of anyone less deserving of my sympathy than this gruesome twosome trapped in their own pathetically delusional, horribly selfish, toddler-tantrum world.”

In 2018, for an op-ed in Washington Post in 2018 narrated her struggles of domestic violence. In 2019, Depp sued the former wife for putting his name to shame with and asked for damaged “not less than $50million”

In August 2020, Amber filed a counter lawsuit against former husband and accused Depp of launching a “smear campaign against her.”

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