Home / Entertainment / ‘Doctor Strange’ actor Zara Phythian found guilty of THESE child sexual assault charges

‘Doctor Strange’ actor Zara Phythian found guilty of THESE child sexual assault charges

Martial Arts instructor Zara Phythian, who is known for her appearance in Doctor Strange has  been convicted of 14 child sexual assault charges along with her husband Victor Marke.

The 37-year-old actor was found guilty on Wednesday at the U.K.’s Nottingham Crown Court. Phythian has been convicted of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl between 2005 and 1008.

Marke, on the other hand, has been found guilty of an additional four counts of indecent assault against a 15-year-old victim from 2002 to 2003.

According to BBC, the first victim’s statement to police was played in the court in which she said, “I knew it was wrong but I just didn’t know how to get out of the situation or say anything.”

“I remember trying to copy Zara’s reaction at the time because I looked up to her and tried to be like her,” the woman said, according to the news outlet.

Marke had regarded the allegations as “paedophile (expletive)” when questioned by police officers following the couple’s arrest in 2017.

He told the officers, “If you’re trying to say I’m a paedophile, I’m not.”

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