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AJK PM criticises proposed tourism body critics

MUZAFFARABAD: Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas on Saturday came down hard upon the critics of a proposed tourism promotion body, terming them antagonists of development and prosperity of the state.

Early this week, reports emerged that the government was contemplating establishing a “tourism authority” and “special tourism zone(s)” through an amended piece of legislation that would override some other laws or their provisions, including the decades-old forest protection regulations and the law governing mineral extraction.

Though the bill was not tabled in the recently prorogued Legislative Assembly session but it drew scathing criticism from opposition leaders Shah Ghulam Qadir, Raja Farooq Haider and Chaudhry Tariq Farooq from Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz and Chaudhry Latif Akbar from Pakistan Peoples Party, apart from civil society activists.

However, in a categorical contradiction of the concerns and apprehensions in a statement, PM Ilyas maintained that only those could oppose the [establishment of] tourism authority “who were inimical to the progress and prosperity of the state”.

“The real development and prosperity of the liberated territory hingeson proper exploitation of our rich potential in tourism, hydropower generation and information technology (IT) sectors. The more these sectors are strengthened, the more their benefits will pass on to a common man,” he said.

“This requires a non-traditional approach and modern steps butironically some professional [politicians] do not want to see the people of the state prosperous. Rather they want the people to remain dependent on them and their personal fortunes swelled through the prevailing practice of dubious development schemes,” PM Ilyas said, adding that, “however times have changed and the successors [followers] of Imran Khan have assumed office [in AJK] to serve the people of the state”.

“We are neither here to practice traditional politics nor disappoint people. In fact we have been returned for the service of people and we will never let them down,” he said.

Asserting that the tourism authority would help AJK get worldwide introduction and recognition as the most fascinating tourism site, Mr Ilyas said the sector would offer equal opportunities and facilities to local people and investors from any other part of the country.

“Those who are raisinghue and cry over the [formation of]tourism authority should come forward and not only make investment in this sector themselves but also persuade others to do so,” he said, warning that “the development of the state could not be impeded by pedaling negative propaganda”. He said apart from tourism, the laws governing the hydropower generation and IT sectors would also see some drastic improvement in the near future.

“We have appreciated whatever good job was done by our predecessors. And we want them to reciprocate whatever good we are doing and intend to do, rather than mudslinging to gain political mileage,” the AJK premier said.

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