Home / Entertainment / Meghan Markle knew she could do ‘so much more’ at Deal or No Deal

Meghan Markle knew she could do ‘so much more’ at Deal or No Deal

Meghan Markle is talking about her humiliating job gig at Deal Or No Deal.

Speaking to Paris Hilton on episode six of Archetypes, the Duchess of Sussex talked about the “very cookie cutter idea” of aesthetics and “solely about beauty and not necessarily about brains”

“I ended up quitting the show. “Like I said, I was thankful for the job but not for how it made me feel, which was not smart.”

“And by the way, I was surrounded by smart women on that stage with me. But that wasn’t the focus of why we were there.”

“And I would end up leaving with this pit in my stomach, knowing that I was so much more than what was being objectified on the stage.”

“I didn’t like feeling forced to be all looks and little substance. And that’s how it felt for me at the time, being reduced to this specific archetype.”

Meghan added: “And there were times when I was on set at Deal or No Deal and thinking back to my time working as an intern at the US Embassy in Argentina, in Buenos Aires, and being in the motorcade with the Secretary of Treasury at the time and being valued specifically for my brain.”

“Here, I was being valued for something quite the opposite,” she declared.

After the job gig, Meghan went on to star in drama series Suits.

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