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Princess Diana could provide ‘great value’ to Prince Harry amid Megxit

Princess Diana could knock sense into Prince Harry as he planned Megxit, says former bodyguard.

Ex-Royal Protection Officer Ken Wharfe says that the former Princess of Wales would have been against Harry’s ‘impulsive’ decisions.

Diana’s former bodyguard told OK! Magazine: “Harry was lacking a true family ally which he may have found in his mother.”

Mr Wharfe said: “She might well have said: ‘Well, if this is what you want, fine. But let’s think about it first and foremost’.

“I think what Harry was lacking was a true family ally. It seems to me that he was quite impetuous about wanting to leave and needed some advice.

“Diana would have been of great value to him because she would have understood the situation.”

He concluded: “But equally, she would have realised that upping and leaving the country might not have been the best decision at the time.”

Meghan and Harry left their positions as senior royals in 2020. The couple then moved to California alongside son Archie Harrison.

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