Home / Entertainment / Meghan Markle ‘fully brainwashing’ Prince Harry with ‘anti-royal propaganda’

Meghan Markle ‘fully brainwashing’ Prince Harry with ‘anti-royal propaganda’

Meghan Markle has just come under fire for allegedly brainwashing her husband, Prince Harry.

This allegation has been issued by royal author and expert Tom Bower, in one of his most recent chats with American journalist Megyn Kelly.

He started by branding the American ‘very cleaver’ and added, “Don’t think for a moment that she’s not convincing quite a lot of people, especially in America and Africa and the Caribbean and elsewhere, that somehow. she was thrown to the wolves. Of course, that’s completely untrue.”

During the course of his interview, Mr Bower also questioned the ‘they’ in Meghan Markle’s claims about being ‘fed to the wolves’ and asked, “Who is ‘they’? Who actually threw them to the wolves? Who actually was not prepared to tell the truth on their behalf?”

At this point in the chat Ms Kelyl chimed in and claimed that she thinks “They’ve already telegraphed ‘they’ is the royal family.”

“In the first three [episodes], Harry comes out and says there’s the leaking of stories, meaning by the palace, and also the planting of stories.”

“And he is absolutely getting ready to say in these next three episodes that the palace and its staffers, courtiers, whatever, were planting negative stories on him and her. That’s what I think [Meghan] means, clearly, by ‘they threw me to the wolves,’ or ‘they fed me to the wolves.’ By the way, it’s the same thing.”

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