Home / Entertainment / Here’s why Meghan Markle couldn’t handle being royal better than Kate Middleton

Here’s why Meghan Markle couldn’t handle being royal better than Kate Middleton

Meghan Markle ‘hated’ being controlled when she initially entered the royal family and once dismissed a royal protocol for being ‘silly.’

A new royal book authored by Tom Quinn, Gilded Youth: An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family, gave an insight into the former Suits actress’ experience entering royal life as an outsider, after her marriage to Prince Harry in 2018, via Daily Express UK.

In the book, a Kensington Palace staff member recalls Meghan’s reaction to being treated in a “slightly condescending way” by the establishment as she was not born royal.

“I don’t think in the whole of history there was ever a greater divide between what someone expected when they became a member of the royal family and what they discovered it was really like. She was hugely disappointed,” the worker had said.

However, while Kate Middleton had to deal with similar treatment, the Princess of Wales was considered to have handled it better since she “does not have Meghan’s messianic tendencies.”

A former advisor of Markle claimed that the Duchess “hated being controlled by royal protocol.”

“The fact, for example, that at Kensington Palace royals have to announce in advance when they are leaving the palace and where they are going. This is partly for security but partly also to avoid a situation where a senior royal is upstaged by a more junior royal leaving just when the more important person leaves,” they added.

Meghan regarded this “absolutely essential” royal protocol as “silly”, per the former advisor.

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