Home / Entertainment / Prince William ‘can’t survive’ without Palace aides: ‘Can’t find food on his own’

Prince William ‘can’t survive’ without Palace aides: ‘Can’t find food on his own’

Prince William has just been accused of relying too heavily on domestic help within the Palace.

Royal expert Daniela Elser brought these shocking claims to light.

The admissions in question have been brought to light in a piece for News.com.au.

She referenced author Tom Quinn’s new book Gilded Youth.

The book also offered some insights into Prince William’s ‘complete failure’ to function without the help of paid staffers.

Per Mr Quinn “[William] has never been alone and without paid staff in his life. He would be unable to function without staff.”

“It would be like being abandoned on a desert island when you have no idea where food comes from or how to build a shelter.”

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