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Dallas commissioners to consider ousting Price from juvenile justice board

A working relationship that has lasted more than a decade between Dallas County’s top elected official and the longest-serving commissioner could be in jeopardy over a juvenile board seat.

Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price says County Judge Clay Lewis Jenkins is behind an effort to replace him on the Dallas County Juvenile Board. County commissioners will vote whether to replace Price at Tuesday’s regular meeting.

Following months of disagreements over a wide variety of issues including the hiring of a diversity officer, tax rates and how to handle judges’ large felony case backlog, Price and Lewis Jenkins yelled at each other during a juvenile board meeting last week over how to address problems with the juvenile justice system.

Lewis Jenkins’ office said he does not plan to comment on the agenda item before the court meets.

Commissioner Theresa Daniel said Lewis Jenkins called her last week to ask her to consider serving on the juvenile board. She said she is open to the appointment, but told The Dallas Morning News that she won’t vote for herself because she wants more time to get up to speed on juvenile justice issues.

A recent report found that Dallas children are locked up in detention centers far longer than in other counties. Daniel said that, while she understands the ongoing concern for children’s’ wellbeing, there is no immediate rush to appoint her to the board.

“Give me two weeks to figure out some of those things a little bit so that I can make an informed decision,” she said. After Tuesday’s meeting, it will be another two weeks before commissioners hold their next regular meeting.

Price has held the juvenile board seat since 2003, serving as the vice chair for 12 years.

He told The News he will continue to show up to board meetings and ask questions even if he is voted off of the panel.

“You don’t get a chance to play that game and push me away because you don’t like that I’m a little bit more aggressive than you’d like to see,” Price said.

Price and Lewis Jenkins, both Democrats, have been long-time allies on the court.

Southern Methodist University political professor Cal Jillson said there have been previous spats between the two over funding and policies but nothing like recent events. Lewis Jenkins has been county judge since 2011. Price, serving since 1985, has long dominated commissioners’ court proceedings, particularly on criminal justice issues.

“If Judge Jenkins has removed Commissioner Price against his will from a criminal justice position that he served on for a very long time, and that it’s important to him, that will be a bigger deal than in the past,” Jillson said.

Commissioners Andrew Sommerman and Elba Garcia declined to comment on how they might vote.

Price said Lewis Jenkins decided he wanted him off the board after the two got into a heated argument at the last juvenile board meeting.

Juvenile justice officials were discussing next steps following a recent report that condemned Dallas’ juvenile justice system. The scathing report found, among other things, that, while national court associations recommend that 75% of children in detention centers have their case resolved within 30 days, only 1% of Dallas cases are resolved that quickly.

Lewis Jenkins proposed at the March 27 juvenile board meeting that stakeholders meet ahead of a retreat to discuss topics related to the report. Lewis Jenkins asked District Attorney John Creuzot if he felt a conversation beforehand would be helpful, and Creuzot said it would not hurt.

Lewis Jenkins started talking about the possibility of having a moderator in the meeting when Price asserted that Lewis Jenkins was trying to avoid going to the retreat.

“He’s always trying to get the hell out of work. Don’t want to come? Stay your ass home,” Price yelled at the meeting.

Lewis Jenkins cut in, saying, “I’m not trying to get out of work. You are going to yell and yell.”

“You barely come,” Price said.

Cheryl Shannon, board chair and juvenile judge, had to break up the argument, saying, “This is not productive. I’ve already indicated we’ll have a process.”

“I think Commissioner Price has just illustrated it would be good for y’all to visit in the private, no-accusation setting before you have that public meeting,” Lewis Jenkins said.

Records show Price has attended 39 of the 41 board meetings since 2018 and Lewis Jenkins has attended 34 in the same period.

County code stipulates the county judge as a required member of the juvenile board, as well as one commissioner appointed by the commissioners court. Other members include juvenile judges, civil, administrative, criminal and family judges and the chairman of the youth services advisory board.

The juvenile board appoints the director of juvenile services and sets policies for the juvenile probation department.

Board members did not respond to requests for comment.

Tension between Lewis Jenkins and Price has been increasing for weeks, becoming noticeable after an internal candidate who had been working for Lewis Jenkins was appointed to the new county position of Chief Equity Officer.

Commissioners voted 4-1 to hire Jheison Romain to lead the county’s diversity, inclusion and equity efforts. Price pushed for a different candidate.

Price emailed commissioners and staff following the vote in February and later forwarded the email to The News.

“What we did yesterday created a ‘feel-good moment’ for some, but it was not rooted in facts or figures. And as we look at the governor’s onslaught against DEI, this choice seems less and less plausible,” his email said. “It was DEI or DIE, and we missed the mark.”

Price is expected to further address the DEI appointment at Tuesday’s commissioners court meeting.

Price said part of the reason for this move to remove him on the board is “white fragility,” which he describes as progressive white people unknowingly perpetuating racism. He said Lewis Jenkins focuses more on “what’s good for the whole group.”

“There are no permanent friends and there are no permanent enemies, just permanent issues,” Price said.

Price has been on the court for more than 38 years. Jillson said Price knows issues faced by the county extremely well but has a reputation for not getting along with people who disagree with him.

“He sees himself as the senior member of the commissioner’s court, and he’s a hard guy to cooperate with,” Jillson said. “He’s got all of that historical knowledge and the self confidence that flows from that.”

Daniel said that there has been a communication breakdown over the juvenile justice system and that she is willing to help address shortfalls as she can but still has doubts.

“My question is whether I could be more effective as a voting board member or as a nonvoting person attending the meetings, and that’s what I don’t know yet. Because I have ultimate respect for Commissioner Price,” Daniel said.

Price said he isn’t sure of the outcome of Tuesday’s vote but that he will continue to be involved in the juvenile justice system.

“I’m more determined,” he said. “I’m gonna still be there for that department and those kids.”

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