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Baisakhi festival: Over 2,500 pilgrims expected from India

LAHORE: As Pakistan has issued visas to nearly 3,000 Indians intending to attend the Baisakhi festival-2023, the Evacuee Trust Property Board (ETPB) expects the arrival of over 2,500 Sikh pilgrims from India on Sunday (today).

The authorities also expect the arrival of nearly 2,000 Sikh pilgrims from other countries, including the UK and Canada, besides over 5,000 others from within the country, especially from Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, according to an ETPB spokesperson.

“The 10-day Baisakhi festival will begin on Sunday (today) at Nankana Saheb. The main ceremony of the festival will be held on April 14 at Gurdwara Panja Saheb,” the spokesman told Dawn on Saturday.

Sharing details, the official said, the government of Pakistan (Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi) had issued visas to 2,960 pilgrims, including some from the Hindu community. But, most of the time, the number of pilgrims arriving in Pakistan is less than the number of visas issued.

“So, we are expecting arrival of over 2,500 pilgrims — mostly Sikhs — from India on Sunday (today) via Wagah border (Lahore). Nearly 2,000 are expected from other countries while over 5,000 are likely to participate from within the country,” he explained.

According to the schedule, the pilgrims will enter Pakistan via Wagah-Attari land route on foot and leave for Nankana Saheb by road. On April 10, they will proceed to Gurdwaera Sacha Sauda (Farooqabad) and return to Nankana by road the same day.

On April 11, they along with other pilgrims, will visit other local gurdwaras in Nankana Saheb. On April 12, they will leave for Gurdwara Panja Saheb (Hasanabdal) by road.

On April 13, the pilgrims will stay at Panja Saheb and on April 14, they will attend the main ceremony titled “Bhog Akhand Paath Sahib and Nagar Kirtan” to celebrate 324th Khalsa Janam Din at Gurdwara Panja Sahib.

The same day, they will depart for Lahore to visit Gurdwara Dera Saheb. The pilgrims, on April 15, will stay at Dera Saheb.

On April 16, they will leave for Aimanabad to visit Gurdwara Rorro Saheb. The same day they will also visit Gurdwara Darbar Saheb in Kartarpur, Narowal, where they will have a night stay also.

On April 17, the pilgrims will again depart for Lahore to visit Gurdwara Dera Saheb and after staying here for a night, they will return to India via Wagah on April 18.

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