Home / Dallas News / What to expect on day 7 of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial

What to expect on day 7 of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial

AUSTIN — Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial surpasses the one week mark on Wednesday, as prosecutors are expected to begin wrapping up their case against the embattled official.

Paxton pleaded not guilty to allegations he abused his office to help Nate Paul, a federally indicted real estate developer, obstruct an FBI investigation into his businesses. The state Senate will determine whether Paxton should be removed from office.

The House managers making the case against Paxton have called a dozen witnesses since the impeachment trial gaveled in on Sept. 5. Most have been among a group of high-ranking state agency employees who reported Paxton’s alleged corruption to the FBI in late 2020.

Tuesday’s testimony was dominated by Brandon Cammack, a personal injury attorney Paxton hired to investigate Paul’s allegations that the FBI doctored search warrants to raid his home and business in 2019. Cammack described a short but fraught experience working for Paxton, which swung from excitement over the opportunity to anger and defeat over being cut off from the investigation and stiffed on his pay months later.

“I had a whole entire life before all of this,” Cammack said he told Paxton at the time. “I didn’t ask for any of this. You guys reached out to me to come do a job and then now you’re pulling the rug out from under me.”

Paxton was re-elected to a third term last year. In addition to his impeachment trial, he also faces an active FBI investigation into his ties to Paul, as well as unrelated fraud indictments and a legal ethics lawsuit.

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