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US backs democracy in Pakistan

WASHINGTON: The US State Department asserted on Thursday that the future leadership of Pakis­tan rests in the hands of its people, emphasising a commitment to the democratic process.

During a press briefing, Vedant Patel, the department’s principal deputy spokesperson, underscored the significance of a free media in advancing democracy.



“We also have not been ambiguous about how we feel very strongly that free and independent media are vital institutions that undergird healthy democracies by ensuring that elec­tor can make informed decisions and hold the government to account,” Patel stated.

Highlighting the broa­der perspective, Patel expressed concern over reports indicating restrictions on freedom of expression, freedom of association, and the press.

These concerns were framed within the context of potential challenges to the Pakistani authorities’ self-stated goal of achieving a fully fair and transparent election.

Patel reiterated the belief that such restrictions are contradictory to the desired objectives of Pakistani authorities. The acknowledgment of the role of journalists and free media in promoting democracy ali­gns with the broader principle that informed citizens contribute to a healthy democratic process.

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