Home / Houston News / No update on number of victims with suspended reports contacted, Houston Police Department says

No update on number of victims with suspended reports contacted, Houston Police Department says

In Houston, Texas (KTRK) – Emanuel Andrews found himself in disbelief when he experienced inappropriate behavior during a massage session in Houston last year, prompting him to share his story. Andrews recounted how a massage therapist allegedly groped him, leaving him feeling violated and seeking justice.

Since the incident occurred in September last year, Andrews has been diligently following up with the Houston Police Department (HPD) for updates on his case. Despite his efforts, he expressed frustration over the lack of communication and clarity regarding the status of his complaint. Andrews emphasized the importance of transparency and responsiveness from law enforcement, especially in cases involving sensitive matters like sexual assault.

In response to inquiries about Andrews’ case and the outreach efforts to other potential victims, HPD provided limited information, citing the ongoing nature of the situation. The department acknowledged the need for timely updates but stopped short of providing concrete details, indicating that updates would be forthcoming when available.

Andrews’ experience is just one among thousands of adult sex crime incident reports that were erroneously categorized under the “lack of personnel” status. HPD disclosed that efforts are underway to prioritize these cases and ensure appropriate action is taken. Additionally, revelations about the widespread misuse of the “suspended – lack of personnel” code have sparked concerns and prompted internal investigations within HPD.

Despite assurances from HPD regarding ongoing reviews of suspended incident reports, concerns persist about the department’s handling of such cases and its responsiveness to victims’ needs. As investigations into the matter continue, transparency and accountability remain crucial in restoring public trust and addressing systemic issues within the department.

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