Home / Houston News / Houston Cougars return home to campus after Sweet 16 loss, leaving fans ‘sad but optimistic’

Houston Cougars return home to campus after Sweet 16 loss, leaving fans ‘sad but optimistic’

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — The 3-point loss against the Duke Blue Devils on Friday night will undoubtedly linger for University of Houston Cougar fans, not just because it marks the end of the season.

The late first-half injury to star player and senior guard Jamal Shead arguably altered the game’s outcome for the Coogs.

“It was very unfortunate to see one of the top players go down. I had faith in LJ, and the rest would stand up and take the lead, and they did for the majority of it, but you know, they just came up short. It’s disappointing, you know, for the city, but it will be ok,” expressed Estefania Salazar.

As fans exited the American Airlines Center after the game, there was a palpable sense of disappointment.

“To come to a nail-biter like this, lose one of our great players is devastating,” shared a fan with.

This sentiment echoed among many Coogs fans who witnessed the 54-51 loss.

“I thought we did very good. I thought we did very well. Proud of the way they played,” remarked David Spaugh.

“I felt like we still had a shot even in the last inbound play. I was like, ‘Hey, get the ball in, get into Emanuel Sharp, drop a three, something. I felt like we had a chance the whole way through,” added Callan Brooks.

It will sting for a while, Houston, but don’t worry, according to the team, they will be back next year! Sharp missed a three-pointer with four seconds left in the second half, which would have tied the game.

“I’m excited we made it this far. I’m super proud of my Cougars, and we have nothing to be mad about,” Curt Hampton chimed in.

With the season now concluded for the Coogs, fans are already anticipating next season and a return to the Sweet 16.

The team is expected to return to the University of Houston on Saturday around 12:25 p.m.

Congratulations on a great season, Cougars! #ForTheCity.

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