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Mouth Ulcers: Effective home remedies to get relief

Canker sores, or as commonly known, mouth ulcers are small sores formed on gums, lips, tongue or inner cheeks, due to a myriad of reasons. While these sores are usually harmless and heal on their own within 10-14 days, the inflammation and pain they cause and difficulty in eating food, drinking, or as simple as talking to someone, can make anyone uncomfortable.

However, here we are suggesting some simple yet effective remedies, which you can do at your home to alleviate pain and cure mouth ulcers.

Salt water rinse

Mix a tablespoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water, and rinse your mouth with this saline solution multiple times throughout the day to reduce bacteria in the mouth and cure ulcers.

Coconut oil

Known for its anti-microbial properties, coconut oil, when applied to ulcers, can reduce inflammation and promote healing.


Honey also has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, and hence, can be used on ulcers to soothe pain and cure sores.

Apple cider vinegar

Similar to saline rinse, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of warm water, and rinse your mouth using this solution throughout the day, to clean out the bacteria and promote healing.

Baking soda paste

Mix a tablespoon of baking spoon with water to form a thick paste and apply it on the affected area; leave it for 10 minutes, before rinsing with plain water. Use this simple remedy at least thrice a day to cure ulcers.


Apart from the cooling effect for treating inflammation, the use of yoghurt can also be beneficial for treating mouth ulcers due to the probiotics present in the yoghurt, which help transfer good bacteria to the body, ultimately replenishing oral health.

Lots and lots of water

Lastly, drink lots and lots of water to counter stomach heat which can be one of the reasons for canker sores.

Which of these remedies did you try and worked well for you? Let us know!

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