Home / Dallas News / Mansfield 13-year-old adds author to his resume of kindness

Mansfield 13-year-old adds author to his resume of kindness

NBC 5 has been following Orion Jean’s Race to Kindness for the last four years. When we met him, he just wanted people to know the power of kindness, now he is showing the world how much change one person, no matter how young, can make.

The 13-year-old’s latest venture is author. His new book, Race to Kindness, is being released on May 7, with pre-orders currently available.

“Its about a boy who is just trying to go out and spread kindness. Just the small simple acts that could have an impact that you wouldn’t have imagined. As the book goes on, you can see how his community is with him and running in this race with him,” Jean said. “I hope that after you read this book, you are inspired to spread kindness the minute you finish reading it.”

Orion Jean has organized massive food drives, collected 500,000 books for students in North Texas and at just recently was named 2022 Time Magazine’s Kid of the Year.

“I think the world deserves ppl that care enough to make it a better place. i think that with everything that is always going on i htink that we could all use a little bit more kindness in our lives. and im thankful to be that vessel of kindness  because its not about me at the end of the day… its about sharing kindness for other people.”

“Its not a sprint, it’s a marathon, it’s the kind of thing that never ends, because the world is never going to stop needing kindness,” Jean said.

Jean has several book events coming up across North Texas including:

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