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Kate Middleton considering sister Pippa for major royal role

Kate Middleton and Prince William may be relying on a close member of their family with a key role in the near future as they step up in their royal roles.

The Prince and Princess of Wales are seemingly eyeing Pippa Middleton for the role of her sister Kate’s lady-in-waiting once she becomes Queen, royal historian Kate Williams suggested.

“I think traditionally, we might expect Catherine to appoint her sister Pippa, [as her lady in waiting] because Catherine is so famously close to her family,” the royal commentator said during the Royal Beat podcast.

“She doesn’t have companions because she’s so close to her mother and her sister.”

Pippa came into public notice during the royal wedding of her Kate and William in 2011.

Williams pointed out that many possibly expect that Pippa might be someone that Kate “appoints” however, she also noted that “Pippa has her own life.”

She continued, “Three children, a busy life of her own. It’s a fascinating question.”

“The role is definitely evolving at the same time. It’s evolving, but the job of a monarch and a consort isn’t getting any smaller,” the royal historian explained. “The letters, the correspondence, the emails are growing every day.”

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