Home / Dallas News / Tennis ball-sized hail pounds Pecan Plantation

Tennis ball-sized hail pounds Pecan Plantation

As storms rolled over Johnson and Hood County Thursday evening, the community of Pecan Plantation took a direct hit from hail stones the size of golf balls and tennis balls.

“It sounded like bombs were hitting the top of the ambulance. Especially when it hit the top of the windshield, you could see the glass start to shatter everywhere,” said medic Lydia Torres.

Torres and her partner were on a call when they were sent scrambling for cover from stones as large as the palm of their hands.

“It looks like a paintball hit him in the back of his shoulder blades,” she said.

Neighbors captured stones pounding the river and swimming pools, knocking down vegetation and shattering windows.

Rock King said his skylight and likely his roof will need to be replaced.

“It was pretty intense for about 10 minutes,” said King.

Down the street, neighbors patched up broken windowpanes and froze large hail stones as souvenirs, reminders of Mother Nature’s wrath with several weeks still to come before severe weather season comes to an end.

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