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Dallas ISD art teacher inspired to teach next generation of young women

Michael Linsangan’s classroom at Dallas ISD’s Young Women’s STEAM Academy at Balch Springs resembles an art gallery, with every available surface adorned with his students’ creations.

Sixth grader Brissa Mejia proudly pointed out her tile painting adorning the ceiling, depicting Mickey and Minnie Mouse sharing a kiss.

Linsangan, affectionately known as ‘Mr. L’ by his students, discovered his passion for drawing during his own middle school years, coinciding with his family’s relocation from the Philippines in pursuit of better opportunities.

Reflecting on his journey, Linsangan credits his mother as the driving force behind his career path and dedication to teaching in an all-female school. “She’s the reason I’m here now, especially in a female school,” he explained.

Having taught at the school for over a decade, Linsangan’s commitment to nurturing creativity is evident in his classroom, where he believes every student is an artist. “When you create something from nothing, you’re an artist,” he affirmed.

His students echo this sentiment, recognizing Linsangan’s patience and encouragement in fostering their artistic talents. “He’s a really good artist, and he’s really patient,” remarked sixth grader Olivia Martinez.

For Linsangan, witnessing his students’ growth and enthusiasm for art serves as a reminder of his mother’s aspirations for him to positively impact others. “That makes me smile. It’s like I’m doing something right,” he concluded.

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