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US, Luxembourg Sign Agreement To Deepen Space Cooperation – Commerce Department

The United States and Luxembourg have signed a new agreement to extend their joint cooperation in space exploration, research and economic development, the Department of Commerce said in a press release on Friday

WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 10th May, 2019) The United States and Luxembourg have signed a new agreement to extend their joint cooperation in space exploration, research and economic development, the Department of Commerce said in a press release on Friday.

“The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the United States of America today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that will serve to catalyze and significantly deepen cooperation between the two countries in the field of space,” the release stated.

The agreement seeks to boost cooperation in civil space exploration, earth observation, space situational awareness and research and development, the release said.

The deal, according to the release, will also promote the continued growth of space industries through new commercial and investment opportunities.

Luxembourg Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Etienne Schneider and US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross signed the bilateral agreement, the Commerce Department said.

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