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Tag Archives: 8

8,000 cameras to monitor elections in Balochistan

January 20, 2024

QUETTA: A high-level meeting on Friday was informed that 8,000 CCTV cameras will be installed at sensitive and most sensitive polling stations in the province to monitor the election process on February 8. The election commission, after a survey, has identified 18 out of 35 districts as the most sensitive and sensitive. The meeting, presided over by caretaker Chief Minister …

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8,000 police officials to ensure security during cricket matches in Lahore

March 21, 2022

LAHORE: Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Additional IG Fayyaz Ahmad Dev has said police will ensure foolproof security during the Pakistan-Australia cricket series like they have been doing in the past. “We are ready to provide complete protection to the visiting national and international players, as well as spectators, during the series,” he said, adding the security plan was …

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8,000 vehicles allowed to enter Murree per day

January 16, 2022

RAWALPINDI: Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Ali on Saturday lifted ban on entry of vehicles in Murree with conditions. According to a notification, a maximum of 8,000 vehicles per day shall be allowed to enter Murree from all entry points in normal weather conditions. This limit shall not be applicable to the residents of Murree and Azad Jammu and Kashmir, official and …

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