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Tag Archives: Child from Gaza arrives in DFW for medical treatment

Child from Gaza arrives in DFW for medical treatment

July 1, 2024

Twelve-year-old Adam and his mother arrived at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport on Friday to a warm welcome of cheers, applause, and chants from dozens of supporters. For months, the nonprofit humanitarian organization HEAL Palestine had been working to get Adam out of Gaza for medical treatment. Adam, who lost his leg after an Israeli bomb demolished his home, will …

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Child from Gaza arrives in DFW for medical treatment

June 30, 2024

Twelve-year-old Adam and his mother received a heartfelt welcome at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport on Friday, greeted with cheers, applause, and chants by dozens of people. For several months, the nonprofit humanitarian organization HEAL Palestine had been working tirelessly to bring Adam out of Gaza for medical treatment. Adam lost his leg after their home was destroyed by an …

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