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Tag Archives: US panel says India religious freedom worsens ‘significantly’

US panel says India religious freedom worsens ‘significantly’

April 26, 2022

A US commission said on Monday that religious freedom has deteriorated “significantly” in India under the Hindu nationalist government as it again recommended targeted sanctions over abuses. It was the third straight year that the US Commission on International Religious Freedom asked that India be placed on a list of “countries of particular concern” — a recommendation that has angered New Delhi …

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US panel says India religious freedom worsens ‘significantly’

April 25, 2022

A US commission said on Monday that religious freedom has deteriorated “significantly” in India under the Hindu nationalist government as it again recommended targeted sanctions over abuses. It was the third straight year that the US Commission on International Religious Freedom asked that India be placed on a list of “countries of particular concern” — a recommendation that has angered New Delhi …

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