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Dallas ISD students get certified security licenses through school program

Five students from Molina High School have become the first in the Dallas Independent School District to achieve full certification as security officers licensed by the state’s Department of Public Safety. This accomplishment comes as part of the school’s Law Enforcement Pathway class.

Among these students is Jonathan Wright, who, at the age of 18, is already a licensed Level II security guard. He recently completed his first paid assignment for a private security company over the weekend. Wright credits the classes at Molina High for preparing him adequately for the job.

The Law Enforcement Pathway program has been available at Molina High School for approximately seven years, but it was only last year that students were given the opportunity to become certified guards eligible for hire. Earl Felton leads the course and highlights the various opportunities available for Level II private security guards, including working at events, concerts, and sports games.

As Level-II private security guards, students who pass the test are not permitted to carry firearms and must be at least 18 years old to qualify. Felton emphasizes that the primary objective is to expose students to diverse career opportunities, with some pursuing law enforcement academies or criminal justice degrees after graduation.

Wright, while aspiring to become a nurse, appreciates the job’s potential to broaden his horizons beyond nursing. He sees it as an opportunity to explore other fields and keep his options open for the future.

Felton mentioned that at least one more student is preparing to apply for his first paid security job in the coming weeks, demonstrating the program’s ongoing success in preparing students for the workforce.

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