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Women protest over water shortage in Jewani

GWADAR: Hundreds of women and children staged a rally in the small coastal town of Jewni in Gwadar district on Sunday to protest against the shortage of drinking water.

The traders community closed their businesses to support the protest.

Women and children gathered in the centre of town and paraded the streets, chanting slogans against the government’s failure to make arrangements for regular supply of drinking water.

The town has been facing a severe shortage of water for the last many months but despite drawing the attention of the authorities concerned no steps have been taken to resolve the issue.

“Water shortage in this harsh weather has badly affected the citizens,” Zubaida Bibi, who was among the protesters said, adding that the department concerned had cut off water supply to the town. All shops and markets in town remained closed and traders joined the protest. The protesting women called upon the elected representatives and authorities concerned to resolve the issue without delay.

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