Home / Dallas News / Threat of death in their homelands continues to push migrants toward U.S.-Mexico border

Threat of death in their homelands continues to push migrants toward U.S.-Mexico border

CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Mexico — While Vice President Kamala Harris said Friday the goal of her trip to El Paso was to understand the “root causes” of the rising influx of migrants from recent months, just across the border Honduran migrant Manuel Medina had a simple explanation for why thousands of people from other countries will continue to try to reach the United States: To stay alive while fleeing countries where their families are threatened by crime and violence.

“I did not leave my country and my wife because I wanted to. [Rising] crime forced me to leave everything; the only thing I want is for my family and me to be safe,” said Medina, 37, who left Honduras in May 2019 after receiving threats from gang members.

Amid a chorus of criticism coming mainly from Republican politicians, Harris made her first trip to the U.S. Southern border flanked by the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas; Sen. Dick Durbin, D- Ill; and El Paso Rep. Verónica Escobar.

For people like Medina, neither restrictive immigration policies nor dangerous journeys through several countries, border walls, or even statements from politicians deter them from seeking to rebuild their lives in the United States.

Medina has lived for two years in this city’s El Buen Samaritano shelter, managed by a religious organization, along with his 15-year-old son Nahúm Medina. Their asylum petition was initially rejected in 2019 and he stayed in Ciudad Juárez under the Migrants Protection Protocols, waiting for a second chance.

The MPP or “Remain in Mexico” program was created in 2019 by the Trump administration, which forced people seeking asylum to remain in Mexico. As of May, there were 71,002 active cases.

The Biden administration eliminated that program at the beginning of its presidency in January but on June 22 announced that applicants whose petitions were dismissed under MPP policy — and had to wait in Mexico for a date of their court hearings — will have another chance to petition for humanitarian protection, according to an announcement by the Department of Homeland Security. The new registration began Wednesday.

This latest announcement renews Medina’s hope of being allowed to live and work in the U.S., away from the danger of the gangs that plague his country.

Medina re-registered that same day and received an email informing him that his case had been entered into the system and now he must wait for the immigration authorities to contact him for a hearing date.

“I’m hopeful, I think our chance is coming; these people (President Joe Biden and Harris) seem to be good and with a good heart, a human heart, and they want to help people like me,” said Medina.

Journey to Ciudad Juárez

Medina worked in construction and lived with his wife and three children in the Department of Cortés, Honduras, but the threat of violence always looming: he had to pay a $200 weekly fee to gang members or his life and that of his family would be at risk.

Thus, in 2019 Medina made a heartbreaking decision: leave his family and migrate north along with his son Nahúm.

He and his son traveled by bus from Honduras to Guatemala, then from Guatemala they crossed into Mexico until they reached Ciudad Juárez, and the first thing they did was to ask for asylum at the Paso del Norte International Bridge, the same that Vice President Harris visited Friday, and from where hundreds of migrants are deported weekly back to Mexico.

Since then he has stayed at El Buen Samaritano (The Good Samaritan) shelter, which is being run by a church. On Friday they had 55 people from different countries including Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. In January they had more than 150 people.

Juan Fierro, pastor and coordinator of the shelter, said the number of people in the shelter has decreased in the last month because more immigrants who were waiting to receive asylum under the Title 42 policy got their petition resolved, and many are already in the United States.

Under Title 42, people attempting to cross into the U.S. can be returned to their country of origin or where they attempted to enter the country to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Biden administration has maintained that policy, although it allows minors to stay if they were traveling unaccompanied.

Intensifying criticism of Biden

But the criticism of the Biden administration has intensified, including demands from Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other politicians accusing the White House of being weak in combating undocumented immigration and responsible for a mounting “crisis” at the border with Mexico.

And would-be migrants do continue to arrive at the border.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported in May more than 180,000 “encounters” with migrants at or along the southern border, the highest number since March 2000. The Biden administration classifies encounters as all interactions of immigration agents with people not authorized to be in the country, including arrests, detentions, rescues or sending migrants — minors or adults — to detention centers or shelters.

Responding to that criticism, Harris, during her visit to Guatemala two weeks ago, told people intending to migrate to the United States: “Don’t come.”

But that message doesn’t sway the resolve of people like Medina and those who flee from violence and lack opportunities for a better life in their home country.

“Even if the authorities say ‘don’t come,’ that is not going to stop anyone. Poverty, violence, crime and gangs in Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and all these places will not stop,” he added. “In my country, there are no opportunities, one cannot be calm. The gang members are better armed than the police. How can one live in peace?”

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