Home / Entertainment / Prince Harry ‘wants everyone’s adoration’ like ‘a kid in a playground’

Prince Harry ‘wants everyone’s adoration’ like ‘a kid in a playground’

Prince Harry has just been branded “the child in the playground who, having been told that he can’t have it all his own way.”

This claim has been made by British journalist Petronella Wyatt in a new piece for The Sun.

Wyatt began by saying, “Harry is like the child in the playground who, having been told that he can’t have it all his own way, goes rogue.”

“The Sussexes expect everyone to feel towards them the same unquestioning love and respect that they feel towards themselves.”

“Yet the truth is that Meghan and Harry, who show so little love and respect to others, are increasingly desperate. hey resorted to prostitution and sold themselves and the Royal Family, as a way of building their financial ‘brand’.”

“Now they cannot escape the toils they have made for themselves. They have nothing more to say, and if they did, I doubt anyone of note would want to listen.”

“Genuine celebrity is like diamonds — its value depends on a controlled and limited output. There may still be a few foolish and gullible Americans — the sort who are a sucker for conspiracy theories and tales of wicked royals — who will believe their words to be wisdom.”

“But the sophisticates the Sussexes love, and aspire to join, are turning away from them. They have descended too deeply into the mud.”

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