Home / Dallas News / As Texas clashes with the Biden administration over immigration policies, former President Trump praises the state’s governor

As Texas clashes with the Biden administration over immigration policies, former President Trump praises the state’s governor

Former President Donald Trump praised Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Saturday for refusing entry to the Biden administration attempting to remove razor wire in a key migrant corridor, escalating tensions over immigration.

During a speech primarily focused on border security, Trump voiced strong support for Texas’ efforts to deter migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border. Texas has restricted the U.S. Border Patrol from cutting or removing the sharp metal barrier following a Supreme Court decision.

Trump promised to provide reinforcements to Texas if he were to become president again, criticizing the Biden administration’s approach to immigration and labeling it a “horrible invasion.”

While Trump avoided discussing a recent defamation verdict against him, he criticized the Biden administration for allegedly weaponizing law enforcement against him amid multiple criminal charges related to the 2020 presidential election and other matters.

Supporters like Annabelle Weislocher expressed belief that the legal cases against Trump were attempts to weaken him and drain his resources, aiming to hinder his political influence.

Trump highlighted his growing support among Hispanics and emphasized his commitment to solving immigration issues, particularly concerning Hispanic and Black families adversely affected by migrant arrivals.

The historic influx of migrants during Biden’s presidency poses a significant challenge to his reelection campaign, with immigration emerging as a prominent issue in Republican caucuses and garnering strong support for border security measures.

Attendees at the Las Vegas rally, like voter Rob Williams, applauded Texas’ defiance against the Biden administration on immigration, praising Texans for standing up against federal policies.

In Nevada, Trump faces minimal opposition in the GOP caucus, which has caused confusion among some voters. Trump urged voters to participate in the caucus rather than the primary, emphasizing its importance in selecting delegates for the Republican National Convention.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Trump’s primary rival, opted out of the caucus, making her ineligible for delegate selection at the convention.

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