Home / Dallas News / Woman finds brother strangled to death in East Dallas home, pleads for help finding killer

Woman finds brother strangled to death in East Dallas home, pleads for help finding killer

A family from North Texas is making a desperate plea for assistance in locating the perpetrator responsible for Rory Thacker’s murder. Thacker’s sister, Holly, recounted the heart-wrenching ordeal, revealing that she discovered her 12-year-old brother’s lifeless body inside his residence in East Dallas on December 5, 2023. Initially considered an “unexplained death,” Thacker’s demise is now being treated as a homicide.

Despite grappling with overwhelming emotions and sleepless nights, Thacker’s family remains steadfast in their quest for justice. The tragic sequence of events unfolded when Holly received a distressing call from her mother, expressing concern over Thacker’s absence, as he had failed to fulfill his caregiving duties for their father and grocery shopping responsibilities for her.

Upon arriving at Thacker’s home later that evening, Holly was met with an eerie scene. The front door was locked, his car was missing, and his beloved dogs were left unattended in the backyard. After gaining entry, she discovered her brother’s lifeless body in his bedroom, bound and gagged. The shocking sight left her in a state of disbelief and horror.

Thacker’s demise, attributed to homicidal violence by the medical examiner, has left his family grappling with profound grief and unanswered questions. Despite initial investigations, there have been no significant developments in the case. Holly suspects foul play, noting suspicious activity surrounding her brother’s missing vehicle and the unauthorized use of his credit cards.

Desperate for closure and determined to prevent further tragedy, Holly is urging anyone with information to come forward. She remains resolute in her pursuit of justice for her brother and seeks solace in preserving his memory as a compassionate and caring individual.

As the investigation continues, friends and family will gather to honor Thacker’s life in a celebration of remembrance. Authorities encourage anyone with pertinent information to reach out to DPD Detective Romero, referencing case number 216536-2023.

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