Home / Dallas News / ‘Groundbreaking’ new program for Fort Worth first responders offers mental, emotional support

‘Groundbreaking’ new program for Fort Worth first responders offers mental, emotional support

City officials and first responders in Fort Worth convened at the Bob Bolen Public Safety Complex to introduce a new initiative named R3: Respond, Restore, Resolve. This program aims to proactively address the mental and emotional well-being of first responders before they require clinical intervention.

Described as a groundbreaking initiative, R3 combines the efforts of Fort Worth firefighters and police officers. It offers up to 48 hours of paid time off for preventive care through approved non-clinical resources. Additionally, peer support teams will reach out to individuals who have experienced challenging incidents or critical calls, providing vital support.

The American Warrior Association (AWA), a key partner in the program, offers five-day, faith-based retreats for military personnel, veterans, and first responders. Their involvement has seen a significant increase in first responders attending such programs, indicating a growing need for mental health support.

Chaplain Cliff Weaver of the Fort Worth Fire Department highlighted the cumulative impact of traumatic incidents on first responders, emphasizing the importance of addressing mental health concerns proactively. The R3 Program provides an opportunity for individuals to seek assistance before reaching a crisis point.

The program includes non-clinical wellness training trips, facilitated by culturally competent counselors, aimed at promoting well-being and peer support among first responders. By fostering a culture of openness and destigmatizing mental health discussions, R3 seeks to create a supportive environment for individuals to seek help.

Funding for the program comes from a combination of city resources and private contributions. Confidential counseling services, offered by AWA, are available to participants seeking clinical assistance. The program is open not only to active first responders but also to retirees and their families.

To measure the program’s success, R3 has partnered with a third-party company to conduct surveys before and after training sessions. Mayor Mattie Parker emphasized the importance of evaluating participant enrollment, retention rates, and feedback from command staff to gauge the program’s effectiveness.

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