Home / Dallas News / Forest Forward celebrates the renovation and rebirth of the historic Forest Theater in South Dallas

Forest Forward celebrates the renovation and rebirth of the historic Forest Theater in South Dallas

A new era for the Forest Theater in South Dallas commenced with a celebratory groundbreaking event on April 4, hosted by Forest Forward, marking the beginning of the theater’s renovation after 75 years of cultural significance. The event, attended by over 700 people, showcased the community’s commitment to revitalizing the iconic venue, promising a brighter future for the neighborhood.

Forest Forward’s President and CEO, Elizabeth Wattley, announced a generous $1 million donation from Margot Perot and her family, further demonstrating the widespread support for the initiative. Reflecting on the groundbreaking, Wattley emphasized the importance of community collaboration in realizing the shared vision for the Forest Theater’s restoration.

Initially established in 1949 by Karl Hoblitzelle to serve the Jewish population, the Forest Theater later became a cultural hub for the growing African American community, hosting legendary performers such as Tina Turner and Prince. Despite enduring closures and repurposing over the years, the theater’s historical significance remains deeply ingrained in the fabric of South Dallas.

Dallas City Council Member Adam Bazaldua lauded the renovation project as a testament to preserving South Dallas’s heritage while investing in its future. The Forest Theater’s transformation is part of Phase I of a comprehensive revitalization effort totaling $75.215 million, aiming to rejuvenate zip code 75215 and create a vibrant cultural hub for the city.

Upon completion, the renovated theater complex will boast a range of facilities, including an arts education hub, a performance hall, a studio theater, and various amenities. Additionally, Forest Forward has collaborated with Dallas ISD to establish the Martin Luther King Jr. Arts Academy, providing STEAM-based education and utilizing the theater for educational purposes.

Representative Jasmine Crockett praised Forest Forward’s ambitious vision, highlighting its potential to drive economic development, arts education, and affordable housing initiatives in South Dallas. With renovations scheduled for completion by December 2025, the Forest Theater’s revival represents a pivotal moment in the community’s journey toward a brighter future.

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