Home / Houston News / Investigates if red flag laws could have prevented Lakewood shootingInvestigates if red flag laws could have prevented Lakewood shooting

Investigates if red flag laws could have prevented Lakewood shootingInvestigates if red flag laws could have prevented Lakewood shooting

In the aftermath of the Lakewood Church shooting, Walli Carranza expressed her initial concern about her grandson’s safety, fearing he might have been at the service with Genesse Moreno, her ex-daughter-in-law. However, when she learned that a 36-year-old woman with a child was involved, her worry heightened.

Unable to reach Genesse by phone, Carranza contacted the Houston Police Department to request a welfare check. Moreno, armed with an AR-15 and a .22-caliber rifle, opened fire inside Lakewood Church but was subdued by off-duty officers.

According to Carranza, Moreno had a documented history of severe mental illness, diagnosed with schizophrenia. Her son, Enrique Carranza, detailed Moreno’s mental health struggles in a 2020 affidavit, expressing concern over her access to firearms.

Moreno’s behavior, especially when off medication, raised red flags. Carranza believed that Moreno’s possession of weapons could have been prevented through red flag laws, which enable temporary firearm restrictions for individuals deemed a danger to themselves or others.

Red flag laws, adopted by 21 states, including Florida, where law enforcement can petition a judge for a risk protection order, have drawn support even from former President Donald Trump. However, in Texas, such laws have faced resistance.

Representative Matthew Schaefer of Tyler opposes red flag laws, considering them preemptive measures. He argued that existing laws are sufficient to address threats made by individuals with mental illness.

Nicole Golden of Texas Gun Sense suggested that red flag laws could have enabled Moreno’s family to seek court orders to temporarily confiscate her firearms, given her warning signs.

As investigations continue into the Lakewood shooting, questions about Moreno’s firearm purchase remain unanswered. While Moreno legally obtained the gun used in the shooting in December, authorities have yet to disclose where she made the purchase.

Golden emphasized the importance of gun safety legislation, despite the political divide, expressing confidence that such measures will eventually pass in Texas.

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